kosmos.social is part of the decentralized social network powered by Mastodon.
kosmos.social is a friendly place for participating in the fediverse. It is run by the Kosmos open-source co-operative.

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Just a reminder, being a horrible person shoukdnt be tolerated simply because they claim their religion says so.... **YOU** choose one of any number of interpritations of your religion that caused you to be a horrible person. Thats not your religions fault, thats just you finding an excuse to be a shit human. No one needs to tolerate you being a shit human just because your a religious shit human.

That is all...

Râu Cao ⚡

@freemo The same goes the other way around, for people mistakenly believing that shitting on religious people at every turn, for no good reason, is somehow making *them* the better person.

I don't think this has much to do with religion in the first place. People will use any tribal or in-group beliefs as excuses to be shitty people. And the best excuse is always an idea that somehow makes their shitty behavior *morally* superior.

@raucao Not entierly related but i do agree. If you degrade religious people and assune religious people are universally bad without getting to know an individual or their opinions then you arent a very good person either.