kosmos.social is a friendly place for participating in the fediverse. It is run by the Kosmos open-source co-operative.
kosmos.social accounts have recently been upgraded to be full kosmos.org accounts, with access to a variety of other services like e.g. Chat and E-Mail.
In order to change or reset your password or e-mail address, please use accounts.kosmos.org now. You can also find information about the other services there.
kosmos.social is currently hosted on dedicated servers at Hetzner in Germany (renewable energy source, German laws apply). We configure and deploy everything via Chef cookbooks. Your uploads are stored on our Garage cluster. Automated backups are run regularly and synced off the servers as well.
Our fork of the source code is publicly available at https://gitea.kosmos.org/kosmos/mastodon/ (we deploy the production
branch). We frequently update the repo and running code with the latest fixes and improvements.
TL;DR We know what we are doing and your data should be safe. However, since this is a free service, we do not guarantee it.
In case you find something broken, please report it on one of the following sites, so we can fix it. Your account gives you access to both:
XMPP users are invited to join kosmos@kosmos.chat. If there's no immediate response to a question, just idle for a while.
You can access this instance from within the Tor network at the following address:
Please note that there will be a security warning about the TLS certificate being valid for the "wrong" domain. It is using the "kosmos.social" certificate, so you can verify that it's the correct site and grant an exception for this mismatch. A small orange warning icon will persist in your address bar, even though the connection is actually quite secure.
The following guidelines are not a legal document, and final interpretation is up to the administration of kosmos.social; they are here to provide you with an insight into our content moderation policies:
These provisions notwithstanding, the administration of the service reserves the right to revoke any user's access permissions, at any time, for any reason, except as limited by law.