After several tries, I finally got a working system again. Now with #manjaro as a #linux distribution. The last two days I tried to get OBS working with my RTX 3050, but it wasnt able to utilize the GPU no matter which version I installed (including the flatpak version).
So I tried installing a different - newer - NVidia proprietary driver, and rendered the #mxlinux install unusable in the process (for now).
My next try was to test-run with several distros, including current #Kubuntu 22.04, and current #siduction which both failed to properly load.
A pretty sad state, one must say. Its just your basic i5 iGPU + NVidia RTX 3050 setup.
But the open source drivers (noveau, what an un-easy name .. nivea? nevuao? unspellable!) didnt work at all, and the proprietary seem not to be loaded during Live USB sessions.
Sadly, no dice for Debian / Ubuntu.
Third distro I tested - which I never managed to do before, but always wanted to - is #manjaro .. which worked like a charm!
I thoroughly tested the live session and then decided to install it - albeit the translations of the manual partition tool are easy to misunderstand. So I've installed it all in a small partition which originally was meant to be for the OS only. Going to move the home directory to the dedicated partition in the nearby future.
It works now. But I ran into the same - or similar - issue as before: No working GUI session with the NVidia drivers.
But the fix was done much quicker than anything else - compared to the old and "established" Debian / Ubuntu distros - thanks to both the Arch and Manjaro Linux wikis being SO GOOD. PERIOD.
What took me years in my "tried and true" distros to figure out, took me less than 2 hours with #arch #manjaro linux. #wtf #documentationftw
Also, already did a test run with OBS 29 flatpak - works as expected. Also automatically used NVenc - which was the sole reason I got myself the GPU.
Yes, streaming and maybe light video editing / fx.
This also was a test run / proof of concept for my NEW notebook, which I ordered from #lapstore this week: Lenovo #ThinkBook 16p G2.
Mostly for its processing power ie. Ryzen 7 5800H, the soldered 8 GB memory chip is a bit of a bummer, but 16 GB should work for my purposes just right (24 GB max, but okayish).
The RTX 3060 Mobile is a welcome, but bonus option.
Going for #dualboot but now .. its gonna be Win 10 Pro vs Manjaro! :)