kosmos.social is part of the decentralized social network powered by Mastodon.
kosmos.social is a friendly place for participating in the fediverse. It is run by the Kosmos open-source co-operative.

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Râu Cao ⚡

The inevitable happened: Intel confirms critical security issues with Intel ME: security-center.intel.com/advi

"This includes scenarios where a successful attacker could: ... Load and execute arbitrary code outside the visibility of the user and operating system."

And of course it affects "6th, 7th & 8th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Family", meaning pretty much all our desktop/laptop CPUs.

security-center.intel.com Intel® Product Security Center

@raucao @mallaidh please please let it be possible for someone to weaponise this so it permanently disables the ME

@raucao There's a tool that checks whether your system is affected. Follow the link above.

hollywood hacking made real because everyone wants to include a backdoor on their hardware