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Colby Russell

People keep saying there's no way "fund Firefox" (because of Mozilla's org structure). This isn't true, and this meme needs to die.

Mozilla is an open source project just like any other open source project. If you want to "fund" it, FIND SOMEONE WHO ACCEPTS DONATIONS AND IS ALREADY CONTRIBUTING TO IT (or wants to start) AND THEN GIVE THAT PERSON MONEY.

I mean geez, Igalia literally exists in order to accept money to fix bugs in FOSS projects, including all the open source Web browsers.

Like, I'm not a Mozilla apologist—as a former Mozillian, I jumped ship in the early 2010s and have been extremely critical of Mozilla leadership over the last decade and tried sounding the alarm well before public opinion settled on what is now the socially acceptable position.

But, man, every time I read some meme-y criticism of what Mozilla is doing, and I'm fully primed to be on board with what I'm about to read, I get let down once I do read it because so many people are just so dang wrong.

I will quote Frank Hecker on this topic once again, because of how bewildering it is to be on this side and see this type of thing happen all the time and how right he is to describe it:

> doing a Twitter search on ”Mozilla” gives a good feel for public perception of Mozilla among technologists, but unfortunately most of the people commenting have no real idea what they’re talking about


frankhecker.com · Mozilla’s uncertain futureSome thoughts on Mozilla for people who don’t know Mozilla.