kosmos.social is part of the decentralized social network powered by Mastodon.
kosmos.social is a friendly place for participating in the fediverse. It is run by the Kosmos open-source co-operative.

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Râu Cao ⚡

My sister wants to start her own podcast. What's the best self-hosted software to use these days? She already has a WordPress site.

@raucao Audacity is pretty popular for recording and editing podcasts (lots of tutorials online). As for a hosting platform, I haven't heard of much. softwareengineeringdaily.com/2 looks interesting though.

Software Engineering DailyPodsheets: Open Source Podcasting - Software Engineering DailyBy Jeff

@raucao I use the seriously simple podcast plugin from castos. Easy just add new podcasts like a blog post.

@raucao we use podlove for wordpress in our organisation, 4 years already. Very feature rich and stable. Has web players, auto submission to largest catalogues, chapter support, its own analytics.
However customizing the web player was a nightmare. Also a bit complex.