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@getAlby @bumi @moritzk

Alby has COMPLETELY ripped off our Podcaster Guide.

Fountain's Podcaster Guide published 18th August - twitter.com/fountain_app/statu

Alby's guide with the EXACT same format, content, and case studies, even WORD FOR WORD copy - guides.getalby.com/podcaster-g

This is really messed up as we spent a lot of time and effort on this guide. I wouldn't have expected this kind of behaviour from you.

As yours is on GitBook I challenge you to publish it so we can see the dates you wrote it.

twitter.comFountain on Twitter“How do I get more listeners? How I generate more meaningful engagement with my audience? How do I make money? Podcasters are finding answers to these questions in Value for Value. Here are ten essential steps for getting started. https://t.co/0d2ptDn2oG Summary below 🧵”

@merryoscar @getAlby @moritzk @adam @dave @dergigi
wtf.... I am not aware of that. I will immediately review this and change it. if that is the case I for sure did not do the required review!

I hope you know that we are all about collaboration, interoperability and supporting each other, we would never copy without attribution!! that's the worst!
and I am sorry, that I did not do the required review.
let me escalate this and link to yours until I know what happened.

@bumi @getAlby @moritzk @adam @dave @dergigi

ok thank you - if this was a mistake I would appreciate you explaining what happened.

I also want collaboration and interoperability - but we have to work together not do things like this as it breaks down trust.

@merryoscar @getAlby @moritzk @adam @dave @dergigi
totally that’s what it is about. and you know that all our stuff is under an open license for collaboration!
I am shocked, that something like this could happen…need to investigate and will report.
I took it offline for now… but could not read it, yet… (afk right now)